Don’t let me stop you, my friend! The internet has always been a superhighway for instant hardcore porn, available at the click of a mouse or tap of a screen. Social media has added an exciting twist, with pornstars now posting their own nudes and managing their accounts. I remember being thrilled when girls (18+) from school posted cleavage pics on Facebook and Instagram. Now, it’s even hotter with professional models joining the social media scene.

Of course, not all social media platforms are the same. I’ve been banned from Facebook countless times and don’t miss it. The same goes for Instagram, TikTok, and Twitch. These sites are okay for quick fixes, but for a steady stream of adult content, Twitter is the place to be.

Twitter excels in providing for your adult entertainment needs. Unlike platforms with restrictive community guidelines, Twitter is packed with naked ladies and sex videos. It’s not just that Twitter allows explicit content; it thrives on it. With over a quarter of a million active monthly users and more joining daily, pornstars flock to Twitter to reach their audience. Some use it for promotion, while others enjoy the social interaction. Either way, Twitter is a fantastic source for free content from your favorite pornstars.