Of all the free porn websites, FapCat’s tube site stands out for a few reasons. Their free videos are offered up on a sleek platform with easy navigation being a top feature and the reason this adult content destination is really taking off. Average video length is better than many of their counterparts, which is a primary motivator to check them out. They are always 100% free to use, with no required registration. Better yet, their modest number of ads truly enhances user experience.
The fact that they work with top production companies to showcase lengthy content means visitors are able to sample a wide breadth of today’s best free porn. FapCat has 100 rock-solid categories, with an extensive tags page that includes specifics such as ‘licking panties,’ ‘happy pussy,’ ‘acrobatics,’ and ‘adorable anal.’ That said, ardent fans of authentic amateur flicks will not find much here. Most of their amateur and free homemade porn is created by established companies who shoot in a reality style. This is forgivable due to the amazing amount of top-quality movies on hand with every visit.